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[E] McChimp
[E] McChimp
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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Ugh... I've decided to stop this thread because I've been shown some problems with it. Once I've thought my way around this I'll maybe do it seriously.
over 13 years ago
Ah, but if you have no money to buy many materials, then you can't build the stuff that makes you happy. I agree with what you're saying, but most of the stuff in spawn city, was that made via a mine or a shop? The original stuff would have been mined, but spawn city or any other city for that matter wouldn't have been made without iconomy or whatever it is we have.
over 13 years ago
Patt, people don't get a home and a faction from mining privately, though, do they?
over 13 years ago
Thanks... We'll have guards inside the mine, too.
over 13 years ago
We are not so much a faction as a company. We will mine, and the miners keep 10% of their finds. As You get higher up in the faction, you will start to get some of the gold we get from selling the stuff we mine. When you join the faction, you will get given a house inside the stockade, so you can live there if you want. We do have rules: you should listen to your supervisors, (the fourth rank up) as they have got to this position through experience. Also, you should never cheat the mine-the guards (Third rank up) Will kill you on exit of the mine to make sure you're not cheating it. Do not be afraid of this, the guards will ask you to drop all personal items into a chest (Unlocked but secure) before you have to be brutally murdered. If you are found to be cheating the mine, you will be demoted after a warning or kicked after a warning (Only kicked if you are miner (First Rank)). We see ourselves as firm but fair. The ranks are: 1: Miner 2:Advanced Miner 3:Guard 4:Supervisor 5:Ambassador 6:Executive 7:Leader We are going to set up a town to accomodate our members. To join, contact me in-game or post a reply here explaining why you want to join, and your in-game name.
over 13 years ago